Almost every month you will pick up a paper, or read an article on line about a animal handler or caregiver being hurt while tending to the animal(s)…
If I have seen it once, I have seen it at least THOUSANDS of times. Someone sees a picture of a big cat in captivity, and they begin…
I feel no one has really thought through what will happen if an all out ban on exotics were to pass. I mean, really, seriously think about it. …
We are pleased to announce the arrival of two beautiful bobcat girls here at the Jungle. We are currently playing the name game to select a fitting name for each…
Not only is the private sector of exotic animal owners coming under attack with such bills as HR 1998 (this has been presented before as HR 4122 the…
I have found that as I aged, I seem to be more aware of the world it what is going on in it, than I did as a…
We are currently in the lead to win 1,300.00 in the Suntrust Bank Contest! We need all Mystic Jungle fans to jump in and vote once every 24 hours…